Tag Archives: pro

Weight Loss by any means necessary…

Is it really so wrong to be radical in your approach to loosing weight.  What I’m really talking about is not eating…much.  I know that there is a huge Pro-Ana and Pro-Mia movement online of people who have decided that it’s ok that they have eating disorders.  I can understand how many of these people think that it’s none of societies business if their obsession with being thin kills them.  Drug users, people who have unprotected sex, people who drive dangerously…etc…are all targets of campaigns and efforts to get them to change, so why not people who have “eating disorders”.  But, since overeating, being overweight, and eating junk food is just as dangerous…where is the campaign against that?

If society is going to glorify and envy thin, beautiful models and actresses why is it penalizing young women who buy into the beauty status quo.  These young women are obsessed with weight loss like a young hockey player is obsessed with being good.  The problem for both comes in when loosing weight or being the best is the most important thing in their lives.   There is nothing wrong with loosing weight.  Nothing wrong with being thin.  However you have to know the limits and how to stay healthy.

I am all for fasting, radical dieting, etc.  I really think that eating nothing but a raw food diet is the answer for most overweight and weight obsessed people.  It limits what you can eat and eliminates almost all processed food.  I think that people should limit what they eat and eat less.  The only reason that we don’t have massive campaigns to get people to eat better and loose weight is because we have a huge food industry and diet industry that feeds off the fat public.  People make money because I stuff treats, snacks, value meals, and junk into my body.   Then later on the medical industry will make money curing us all of cancer, diabetes, and other diseases that can be linked to our eating patterns.

In the end, whatever works for you and you can manage your health doing…I’m all in favor.  If you are dieting, limiting, fasting…I really don’t care.  I don’t care what other people think.  You can go from 190 to 120 fasting, and if you don’t tell people they will talk about how good you look, how fine you are.  But as soon as you tell them you didn’t eat…they want to put you in treatment.  Do they put their fat friends who are sitting down to a huge value meal day after day in a treatment center?  Do they suggest that they get some help? NO.  Why?  People get offended when you suggest that they need to lose weight.  Well, I’m offended that people feel they know what is best for others in the fight to loose pounds.

You do what works for you.  I’ll do what works for me.  If you don’t want to know…don’t ask.

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Filed under beauty, diary, fat, food, overweight