Self Control

It’s my experience that self control is better than any pill, any diet plan, or any diet book.  For any plan to lose weight to be successful you have to be able to deny yourself.  I’ve always found pleasure in eating the things that I know will contribute to my being overweight.  I hate and loved eating chocolate, junk food, fast food, fatty food…etc.  My love hate relationship was only broken when I made up my mind that I was tired of not feeling attractive.  I was, and at this point am again, tired of going to the store and settling on the clothes that fit instead of the clothes that I want to wear.  When you are tired of something little like food being such a big influence on your life, you will change.  The power being your change will be self control.

Most people don’t deal well with other people telling them that they can’t have something, let alone denying themselves.  To deny yourself, in many cultures and religions, is the path to greater health and increased spiritual perception.  When you have self control regarding what you put in your mouth you can focus on other things.  You can feel yourself with wisdom and spirit.

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Filed under diary, food, overweight

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